So I decided to hit a different type of race this time. An off road duathlon, held at Old Hidden Vale. The race was a 30 km MTB ride followed by a 12 km run. I had been running a bit prior to the race, but often only 8 - 10 kms. Fellow races out to have a crack, included: Tony and Bec (team ‘T-Bex’), Gary and Joel (team ‘Gaz and Joel’), and Colin (going solo).
Race start was 9 am, which was probably a little late considering it was going to be 32 degrees.

The Ride The ride started with all solo acts and teams at the same time. It started at a fairly leisurely pace, which was nice. On the first climb, Tony and Colin passed me. I kept my cool and stayed at my own pace. Tony was doing the event in a team, so he didn’t have to do the run after. Gary was no where to be seen, and I wasn’t sure if he was ahead or behind.
After about 30 mins of passing people and getting into a comfortable rhythm, I saw Tony up ahead. Sweet. He seemed to be struggling already which wasn’t a good sign. I passed him and continued on, hunting down Colin. The trails were great fun! After riding the flowing trail of Yowie, we climbed up Grinder.
The sign said it was 1.3 km - presumably straight up....It wasn’t as bad as it sounded. Then onto the Epic track, which was a nice relaxing track with no great climbs to worry about. Still no Colin in sight. Most of the ride I was by myself.
Sometimes I worried I had taken a wrong turn. When my GPS clocked over 30 km I was eagerly looking for the transition area. It was another 2 kms away.
The Run A quick gulp of water and change of shoes, and I was off. Bec was waiting for Tony to arrive and gave me the news that Colin was ‘miles ahead’. There was no way I was going to catch him on the run, and I still had to stave off Bec - she was all fresh as she was doing the run part of the race and taking over from Tony.
It was hot, really hot..... The run went up a single track through the gully. There was no breeze and it felt really slow after getting off the bike. There were no other runners to be seen, and it was a bit lonely. I got to the top of the big climb and poured a few cups of water over my head and tried to drink lots of water.
I continued on and at about the 6 km mark Joel (team Gaz and Joel) passed me. I came through the transition again (2 laps of a 6 km course) and threw on my camelbak that Tony had refilled for me. The 2nd lap was the worst. I had been out in the sun for about 2 hrs 40 mins by this stage and struggled to keep hydrated.
I walked up some of the hills and another runner passed me. At the drink station at the top I was glad that there were no more hills. I saw Bec coming up behind me in the corner of my eye, and quickly ran off down the track.
She was catching me! Only 3 kms to go, and I continued on at a steady pace. I overtook another person, who was suffering in the heat, and headed toward the finish. I reached the finish line in a time of about 3 hrs 20 mins. Bec came through just after I did. We got lots of cheers from the crowd (Tony, Colin, Gary, Joel and also the crew from Brisbane Boutique Bikes). Colin smashed the mens field and won convincingly.
Colin running fast

Bec running
Results 1st Solo Women - Jayne Rutter
1stSolo Men - Colin Fuller
2nd Mixed Team - Team T-Bex (Tony and Bec)
2nd Male Team - Team Gaz and Joel (Gary and Joel)
3rd Women 30 km MTB event - Carol Bowman
Winners are grinners. $100 vouchers each from Groundeffects.dirtyduoresults2009Monday, 21 September 2009Tags: Duathlon, Multisport